Vikinor introduces a low GWP refrigerant
Vikinor cooling products are available with a lower global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant that meets new regulations while maintaining our market-leading cooling performance.
Sustainability is an important part of our core business strategy. We understand the urgency to transition to more sustainable technologies and we’re committed to guiding our customers through this transition.
A part of that means staying ahead of regulations that affect our customers’ infrastructure sites. The F-gas regulations in the EU and the restricted use of hydrofluorocarbons as outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Technology Transitions program in the US signify a move to refrigerants with much lower global warming potential.
The future of sustainable refrigerants is here
We launched Project Greenline in 2023 and since then have done extensive research and testing, as well a holistic assessment, to pinpoint a lower GWP refrigerant that neither compromises on safety, cooling performance, nor cost effectiveness.
After much development and optimizing our product software, we are proud to introduce the R513a refrigerant as a drop-in replacement available in all our air conditioners and thermosiphon heat exchanger.
The restrictions outlined in the EU and US regulations impact our products as follows:
- In the EU market, our air conditioners and thermosiphon heat exchangers are required to stay below 750 GWP.
- In the US market, our air conditioners and thermosiphon heat exchangers are required to stay below 700 GWP.
Our solution using the R513a refrigerant reduces global warming potential by 56% compared to the traditionally used R134a refrigerant, putting us well under the 700 GWP limit. We’re thrilled that this sustainable solution can be implemented now, and our customers can confidently operate efficient and compliant critical infrastructure sites.
For more details on the low global warming potential refrigerant and its unique advantages, go to: